By enguaging with the targeted audience to promote membership in "Bounty Hunter's Guild Galactican," a promotional club centered around a fictional universe of The Glactican franchise). Here's a breakdown of what it will offer:
Exclusive Events, Shows & Concerts: Members would have access to special events that non-members can't attend. This could include fan conventions, live performances, premieres, or behind-the-scenes experiences.
Signed Props, Costumes, Collectables & Souvenirs: Members have the opportunity to obtain limited edition items like props and costumes used in productions, autographed by cast or creators, along with other unique collectibles.
Merchandise Discounts, Competitions & Giveaways: Members would receive discounts on merchandise related to the franchise, along with chances to enter competitions and giveaways to win prizes.
Participation in Creation: This could be the most exciting part for fans: the opportunity to be involved in the actual production of movies, series, spinoffs, and video games. This could mean acting as extras, assisting in production, or contributing in other ways both in front of and behind the camera.
It will be an immersive fan experience that aims to involve its members deeply in the creative universe it's built around.
"Trust the hunt, conquer the void."
"Fortune favors the relentless."
Welcome To The Galactican Guild
Democratising Production
Made For Fans By Fans

Welcome to The Galactican Guild, a universe created for fans, by fans! Conceived by Richard Britain, The Galactican is an exciting science fiction adventure that leans heavily on science-fact. We're building an interactive, fan-driven experience where your voice helps shape the stories we tell. Join us on Discord to share creative ideas, contribute to storylines, and connect with fellow fans and creators. Get exclusive access to behind-the-scenes events, prop giveaways, autographed souvenirs, and limited-edition merchendise.
You can attend special screenings, premieres, concerts, and even conventions like Comic-Con. Want to be part of the action? Become an extra, work behind the camera, or have direct creative input into our productions. We're also running contests where you can win incredible prizes—major props, costumes, or a chance to meet the stars and filmmakers!

And if you're dreaming of a career in the industry, enroll in our Film Academy, where you’ll learn from professionals, gain hands-on experience, and work on our productions as you build a future in film and TV.
Be part of the journey and help us create something unforgettable!
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